The Best Part About the Hunky Jesus Contest is the Crowd

Sure, the show on the stage had some real highlights this year, but the overall spectacle always seems to come up short when compared to the drunken pastel sideshow in the crowd.  For example, why wasn't there a Hunky Jesus nailed to a giant cross of Peeps?  Or perhaps a just a giant tanned Peep?  I could really go for a box of Peeps right now…

I digress.

Below, some highlights from the show outside the show:

Far and away my favorite outfit of the day, this guy made an assuredly uncomfortable suit out of stuffed bunnies.  I have no idea if this was inspired by Lady Gaga's frog outfit or not, but he wins style points for creativity, effort, and perseverance, regardless.

It's always nice when San Franciscans can come together and openly mock Jesus in the most stylist of ways.  Do they make this shirt in black?

Where did this guy come from?

The Sisters always manage to bring out the best in people's headwear (and I mean that in all seriousness).

Speaking of headwear, the crowd was so goddamn thick this year that dog owners were left with no choice but you hoist their pups above their heads and carry them.

Until next year…