— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Now that San Francisco has gone from pretending to care about football to tweeting obsessively about the impending baseball season, noted pothead and Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum greeted fans at this past weekend's FanFest with a Tacolicious cap on his head. Does this mean the Marina/Valencia restaurant has finally 'made it'? And has Tim ever drank a Tecate there?
Comments (2)
We went to fanfest and we were wondering what that hat said. We could not get close enough to read it…We liked to imagine that it said”420/24/7” But guess not. Oh well. The real story from fanfest was Vogglesongs new Haircut and look, Hope we did not give him that 5 million for the work he did LAST year. He looked rich bitch!
timmy rules. tacolicious rules. you’re an ass. go back to whatever east coast hole you came from.