Have Your Dead Terrorist and Eat Him Too

Those crazy California College of the Arts kids are up to no good again. This time, they're putting Osama Bin Laden's head on a fucking platter. SFMOMA's blog has the story:

Before I had a chance to visually make sense of anything in the exhibition I was greeted by an overpowering sweet smell of vanilla and pastry. The source was in the center of a huddled mass of giggling persons eating something on a pedestal; upon closer inspection what was revealed was a half-eaten head of Osama Bin Laden—served with American-flag cake plates and red cocktail napkins with violet lettering spelling out “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”, along with a red-stained chef’s knife. Another disturbing factor was the gleeful smiles of people eating large slices while urging others to have some of Bin Laden’s symbolic head.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing disturbing about people getting all gleeful like about eating a giant cake; just look at all that frosting around his spinal cord!

Anyway, read on for more delicious pics and accusations of cannibalism/political apathy.

Comments (5)

Wow, that pretty sad. I woulda expected this at dick cheneys house or G.W…..Lame.

The parallels between this and Catholicism (Communion) are creepy as hell.

That’s hilarious! I am all for eating our enemies.

Exhume to consume.

“edible, participatory art”