The Mission Holds it Down for the Niners

In case you slept through yesterday, the Niners beat the Saints in a 'nail biter' to squeak out their first playoff win in practically forever.  And, of course, the Mission lost its collective shit and it ruled:

This was the scene at Clooney's as soon as the Niner's scored their game winning touchdown. As you can see, the barflies (many of whom were kicked out for being too wasted/too awesome by this point) were more relieved than anything else.

Drumming on giant Tecate cans proved to be quite the crowd-pleaser.

While Mission Street descended into a car-honking, flag-flying, holding-babies-out-of-car-windows parade, some people took advantage of the empty stores and extended their T-Mobile contract.

And finally, before the game kicked off, this Niners fan (sporting a Love Shack cannabis club t-shirt, might I add) fed a dog in a duffle bag some McDonalds.

Comments (2)

the barflies (many of whom were kicked out for being too wasted/too awesome by this point)

if anything, they left of their own accord rather than hang out with, well, just about every noob in that picture.

Joe and tinkerbell eating bag of burgers…Classic.