No Saving Seats With Gnarly Appendages

Local humorist Doug Chagnon breaks down this awful scene:

I considered asking him to move his feet and grab the seat next to him but was afraid I would get Athlete’s Ass.

In all fairness, my living room looks just like a MUNI car.

His most egregious offense? The plastic bag.

Ladies and gentleman, the 99%.

At least he is wearing pants.

Read on for additional insight and analysis.

Comments (3)

I dunno. Some of my friends in SF have a pretty strict “no shoes in my house” policy. I don’t like it myself, but point being, the shit you walk around on every day makes your shoes WAY dirtier than your bare feet.

It’s probably during rush hour and he hasn’t washed his hair in three weeks.

How come I never get a pink bag? Do you have to shop at special stores for them?