Hot Tip For Those Still Seeking A Holiday Sweetheart

Pants maybe, but probably not heart. How can anyone say they “only like murals, don't like tags” when tags produce such stunning, salient life advice?

If anyone sees this JautCares dude, tell him to call me!

Comments (5)

Taggers suck donkey balls.

who the fuck calls them taggers anyways? that’s some 1992 cbs news report shit

What makes you think it’s a dude?

The problem with this dude (and let’s admit it: it’s a dude. It’s always a dude who does stupid shit like this) is that he’s not clearly thinking things through. It should be “a woman’s” or just “women’s” (followed by “hearts”, of course). He’s undecided about what he wants. Thus this is a cry for help: “Help me! I can’t decide between monogamy and polyamory!!”

Either that, or he’s just a dick who’s inhaled too much paint.

Intelligent comments like the ones here remind us all that it makes far more sense to just spend all of one’s time complaining and criticizing on the internet, rather than actually going outside and doing something.