— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
If Yelp is an indication of what normal people think of local establishments (it's not), then the lack of muppets, puppets, and uniform flannel-shirted alcoholics is a serious issue for Dr. Teeth's credibility. Lucky for the bar's pro-Muppet detractors, the bar is host to a puppet-filled music video premiere this Saturday. Kori fills us in:
My friend Adele and I wanted to make a music video featuring puppets. We weren't commissioned to create it—-we just thought it would be fun.
We picked Anita Ward's “Ring My Bell” for the music. This means the video probably won't be allowed on YouTube, but whatever. The video features puppets (Lucy and Mr. Pink) that I purchased and made. The couple hangs out in the Mission after meeting on “OkStupid.” We filmed all around the Mission including Dolores Park, where random park-goers were eager to participate.
We also filmed at the new bar, Mayhem, on Mission and 19th. The owners have been nice enough to allow us to celebrate the video and screen it there this Saturday night around 9:30.
Here's a taste of hold you over / confuse the hell out of you:
And if we're lucky, we might see a cameo by Summer Santa and his 38-year-old BART card:
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JspiderSF | [Permalink]
No night of Muppet-featuring San Francisco music videos would be complete without a screening of the Bar Feeders’ “Wyoming.” Behold: