Brian Barneclo's 600ft-Long "Systems" Mural Comes to Life

After years of setbacks and a long campaign to raise the requite $70k to start painting, Brian Barneclo has finally begun painting the 600x40 foot mural along the Caltrain tracks at 7th and Townsend.  The idea is this will be the first landmark Caltrains passengers will see when arriving in San Francisco and cause us to question the systems around us.  From the project's website:

Systems Mural Project will explore the concept of interconnectivity via a 600 foot panoramic mural painted by San Francisco artist Brian Barneclo.  Systems are found in nature (the water cycle) and systems are created by man (the government).  As we move into the 21st century, what have we learned about sustainable systems-what works and what doesn't.  Should we revisit ancient technologies?  Is the Industrial Age over?  It's through this conversation that we gain an understanding of, perhaps the most complicated systems of all, our systems of belief.

All that sounds nice and all, but it's the awe of seeing something so massive that makes it the marvel that it is.

Unfortuantely it was impossible to shoot the entire mural from the street, but you can see check out some panos of the design here.

Comments (2)

I’ll bet that it gets tagged before it’s even finished. sigh.

Modern progressive subject. Superb execution. His use of limited colors starts a new trend on murals here forth. Worth the wait.