Cholas Explain Improv

Hater Tuesday recently published this gem of a conversation overheard at Mission Street's Dark Room Theater:

Chola 1: Aye, so what is this shit, loca?
Chola 2: Psssh, like I told you it’s comedyyyyyyy.
Chola 1: Yeah, but like what is it?
Chola 2: It’s like freestyle rap… they just make shit up or whatevers. They just like vibe… and turn it into real funny shit mujer. Mira.
Chola 1 explodes with laughter. Then stops abruptly and turns to Chola 2
Chola 1: Yoooooooooooooooo, I love comedy raps. Do you have any more on that 40? Let me see it.

Aaannnnddddd be sure to read on for Lydia's thoughts on Kreayashawn…

[photo by wire_paladinSF]

Comments (4)

Thanks for reposting ethnic slurs of other clueless white people living in the mission!

1. Im not white. Im mexican.
2. I dont live in the Mission. I live in the Haight.
3. Those cholas were sitting in front of me and my lady comic friend. We talked. They were awesome. We ate burritos. They drank a 40. If that’s not BFF material I don’t know what is.
4. $5 says YOU are WHITE and YOU live in the MISSION
5. Loosen up. It’s called comedy. Try it sometime.

1. I’m not white.
2. Mexican isn’t an ethnicity
3. Do you know what chola even means? It’s a slur against native americans, and those of spanish / native american decent.

But hay thanks for using stereo types of this city as your only argument that your not stereotyping, and using slurs.