Now a Bunch of Brits Know the Tenderloin is Hella Sketch

Blouz alerts us to this month-old clip from BBC's The Joy of Stats, which focuses on the city's open data efforts, particularly the Crimespotting project.  The short has some solid visualizations of the data mixed with video of the city, plus a fine interview with the Crimespotting founders.  And of course, what piece on crime stats would be complete without a SUV ride down Jones, gawking at cops, cholos, and crackheads?  Perhaps not the most flattering view of the city, but a well-produced and generally interesting one, to say the least.

Check it.

Comments (1)

The King may have a wedding, but the emperor’s clothes situation is clearly something it takes an agnostic tourist to figure out. The Tenderloin is a shit hole. Thanks Randy Shaw.