— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
In response to our previous post on Sutro tattoos still being rad, Geoff G. decided to throw his SF-centric quarter-sleeve into the mix. Considering its expansive coverage of local landmarks (Sutro, Palace of Fine Arts, Transamerica Pyramid, Giant's Logo, Golden Gate Bridge, Coit Tower, and walls of fog), and the fact it just looks sick, I'm going to have to go ahead and declare Geoff winner of the SF tattoo game. I mean, pretty much the only thing that could be done to up the ante at this point is getting a giant portrait of Dirty Harry on your back, a cable car climbing up your ass crack, the Rice-A-Roni logo on your forehead, an IT'S-IT on each of your butt cheeks, or tattooing the San Andreas fault on your dick—all of which may or may not have negative effects on your sex life. In short, nice job Geoff.
Comments (4)
Hey, Thanks! I thought you would enjoy the tattoo. I got it in response to the love I felt for SF post world series. It started with the SF logo in the middle (which I got durring the playoffs) and expanded to the rest of the landmarks right after the Giants won it all. FYI it was done by Aidan Monahan of One Shot Tattoos, in the inner sunset: http://aidanmonahan.com/home.html
I’m planning on getting a GG Bridge tattoo - I’ll look up Aidan, thanks.
…and he’s wearing a Giants shirt!
That is so freaking fantastic!
I’ve been idly considering the idea of ink involving both bridges, but as the commentary on this post suggests, there’s no way I could even begin to approach this level of awesome.
(And it’s only idle consideration anyway. Hahaha.)