Did Anyone Else Just Feel That 3.8 Earthquake?

Oh, umm. Nevermind.

Comments (9)

But I didn’t feel it…maybe that reaction is to make us non-feelers feel a little less left out?

Yeah, and what’s will people who talk about the weather? Guess what, there is weather every day, you stupid fucks.

I didn’t feel it either. fml.

what earthquake?

what’s the deal with people getting wobbly over a 3.8?

The same deal like when it rains three days straight and everybody’s moaning like Mahalia.

It’s called a “slow news day,” dude.

Since I’ve been known to cry wolf (seriously, my neighbor shutting the balcony door FEELS like real shaking!), I check here to avoid getting others excited: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ Props to timbo for creating the notion of feelers and non-feelers in my mind…

what a snarky, snarky tweet.