How About Those Disgusting BART Seat Cushions?

As you might have heard, The Bay Citizen did an investigation last week into the cleanliness of BART seat cushions.  Much to nobody's surprise, the seats were not the most sanitary things in the world:

Fecal and skin-borne bacteria resistant to antibiotics were found in a seat on a train headed from Daly City to Dublin/Pleasanton. Further testing on the skin-borne bacteria showed characteristics of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, the drug-resistant bacterium that causes potentially lethal infections, although [Darleen Franklin, a supervisor at San Francisco State University’s biology lab] cautioned that the MRSA findings were preliminary.

High concentrations of at least nine bacteria strains and several types of mold were found on the seat. Even after Franklin cleaned the cushion with an alcohol wipe, potentially harmful bacteria were found growing in the fabric.

I'm not sure what all that means, but I think it's safe to say I can stop telling my friends “I'd rather lick the sidewalk than hang out in Berkeley” and start saying “I'd rather rub my unprotected genitals on a BART seat than hang out in Berkeley.”

Anyway, our pal Donald Tetto also found skin-borne bacteria to be “yuck” and decided to parody Josh Ellingston's 'duck at the turnstile' poster and hang prints up on BART trains (photo above, cuz yer dumb).  Personally, I like Donald's version better (sorry, Josh), but that's probably because it looks like a child version of Slimer.

Donald's original:


So, Bay Citizen, when are you going to start testing the soil at Dolores Park?

Comments (6)

I saw a bed bug on BART and I find those more horrifying than STDS or MRSA.

It’s Photoshopped, sorry.

Damn, had me fooled.

Meh, I like Josh’s illustration version better. Why not do an entirely different illustration instead?

Agreed. Cheap Photoshop parody. He could have at least taken Josh’s signature off the picture.

I guarantee you that car, taxi, airplane, etc. seats are just as filthy as Bart’s seats. It’s the material that’s at fault here, not the fact that it’s on Bart.