Coming Soon: Coffee Bar & Boutique Electronics

I've been biking past this sign on Folsom and 5th for the past few weeks and scratching my head at what it possibly could mean.  Well, according to LiveSOMA, Potrero Hill's Elite Audio Systems is abandoning their appointment-only studio in favor of a formal retail space in SOMA.  Think of the new space as you would every other coffee shop in SF, except instead of nerds working on their next failed startup and writers working on their next failed Uptown Almanac post, it'll be full of people with real sources of income buying elite strereo equipment and elite coffee.  That said, don't think I'm hating on the business, considering I don't know where one can buy 'elite audio' equipment that isn't Best Buy or 16th or Mission, it doesn't seem like a bad thing this shop is moving to the area.  I just don't understand why every business San Francisco feels they need to serve coffee in order to be successful.


Comments (1)

“I just don’t understand why every business San Francisco feels they need to serve coffee in order to be successful.”

Same reason all users end up dealing.