So, What Happens When You Go To The SF Mixtape Society?

It’s a rainy day. Heavy and gray. There’s the Mixtape Society today. You had fun at the last one. You don’t feel like going today, though. You go anyway.

Then, you bundle up like a puddleduck. You walk, smoking wet cigarettes, towards the Makeout Room. It’s quiet but cars slosh through the streets. Doppler effect. Low to high to low pitched sloshing.

Then, you walk into the bar and take off your hood. It’s dark inside the bar. It's bright outside.

Then, you order a beer. You talk to the other people. They don't have beers. You finish yours and order another. You start to smile a lot.

Then, you play kind of a Secret Santa where everyone swaps tapes. You’re called to the stage. You stand in front of everyone. You feel awkward. You give your CD/tape to someone else. Then someone comes and gives you a tape. Everyone swaps emotions.

Then, you meet a cute girl. You ask her about the tape she got. You think it is going well. You say something strange. She goes home. You won’t see her again. You see a friend you don't see very often. You think it's nice to see her. The room clears out. The event's over.

Then, a music nerd from Berkeley shows up late. He is really disappointed that he missed it. You feel bad for him. You trade him your mixtape you received for his so he can still play. You make him promise to come earlier next time.

Then, weeks later you remember you have a tape and listen to it at a dinner party. It’s really good.

The San Francisco Mixtape Society is having their fifth event this Sunday the 20th at the Makeout Room. It starts at 4pm. Bring a mixtape or CD, get a day buzz and debate the various merits of Jeff Mangum with other music snobs.

Comments (3)

I’m interested in this, but I question whether my music collection is obscure/hip/snobby enough. What’s the poop on selections?

The theme is ‘Guilty Pleasures’ and I’m bringing a solid 14 song Creed mix

I was that tardy guy at the last mixtape meeting, although not from Berkeley. I thought you were *supposed* to show up a little late to drinking events, because, you know, that’s a freshman-in-college mistake. I shan’t commit such a heinous crime this time (weather permitting).