At Least It's Not Snowing

SFgate's parenting blog (yes, they actually have a parenting blog. No, I don't read it.  Yes, apparently my friend reads it.), has dug up a bunch of the Chronicle's photos of past SF snow storms.  And as someone who was raised in a state that actually has seasons, most of the snaps are terrifying: some women wearing giant black dresses standing in 2 inches on Shotwell.  A little kid joyously screaming.  A playground snowball fight.  A bunch of people sledding down a hill.  And this shot of a student skiing down the hill behind the UC Medical Center.  Just looking at these gives me flashbacks to digging cars out of snowbanks, having a heating bill, and not being able to stop my bike on all the ice while riding across down.

Not that I'm saying that it wouldn't be fun to run home right now, dig the skis out of the garage, hike up the top of Dolores Park and ski all the way down while some grey-haired neighbor chases me through the park for tearing up the grass and having fun—because it would—but we all moved to this coast for a reason.

Comments (2)

that parenting blog is actually more of a Bay Area 80’s nostalgia blog, despite its name.

What do you mean “at least”?! Did you see the photos of snow on Shotwell?! It was gorgeous! It would be a-mazing if we got a couple inches of snow!