Seemingly Abandoned Valencia Garage is Actually a Fine Looking Showroom

Ever wanted to know what was behind the garage door adjacent to to the grisly condos 18th and Valencia?  If you had assumed it was just another abandoned building, you'd be wrong.  According to Lynda over at Mission Local, taker of the above pic, the garage has actually been the of the “showroom” of 724, a hybrid gallery and space for table-makers and metal sculptors for the last 5 years.

We just never opened the door,” said Anthony Marschak, the managing director of 724.

This raises the question, why a space such as this one have never opened the doors to their showroom before?  Trying to be exclusive?  Stay underground?  Hate dealing with people? Couldn't figure out how doors work?

Regardless of their motive, they've finally figured out how to unlatch their garage door and they'll be showing off Amanda Lopez's photography starting tomorrow night.
