Matt Damon Wishes You Fame and Fortune

This weekend is your chance to crawl out of the cheap wine hangover you call home. And Matt Damon, with his angelic smile and stand up guy attitude, will be there to help you along to Hollywood stardom.

Do you really need to spend another sunny January day in Dolores park, swishing PBR between your cheeks? Your mimosas can wait a couple weeks, sweetheart. It's time to rejoice in the glory that is Matt Damon. It's not often that a demi-god smiles brightly on you. He is offering an escape from the burrito-loop of Mission lifestyle. The least you could do is show up.

As a bonus, there's a good chance of Steven Soderbergh shouting at you to take off your fake Ray Bans.


  • Standing around, not looking at the camera
  • Owning a pen
  • Mastery of the Meisner Technique, a plus

(via Fun Cheap SF)

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“This weekend is your chance to crawl out of the cheap wine hangover you call home.”
