Emeril shooting in SF right this very second (ZOMG!!)

Street reporter/walker Jenny Wilson reports spotting Emeril and an Authentic Entertainment Productions crew setting up at the Irish Coffee crackhouse Buena Vista Cafe this morning.  Emeril has previously worked on 'Authentic' Ent's Food Network series Best Thing I Ever Ate, so this is probably for a Season 5 episode of that show.  Get over to the Marina and gawk at the biggest food celeb of 2k3.  BAM! (that is what he says, amirite?) 

Comments (6)

Considering the news earlier this morning, when I saw “shooting” and “second” in that headline, my mind came to very different conclusions.

Marina? Check yer map. That ain’t no Marina.

the waterfront of Russian Hill counts as Marina territory in my book.

Thanks for calling me a street walker. I guess you know what kind of “meetings” I was in this morning.

I saw that same sign at the Tadich Grill on Sunday too!

WRONG….Its’s a brand new show not for the food network that Emeril is hosting