— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
This graphic review of the Tenderloin comes to us from Big Pilpn', my new favorite source for bright, flashing colors and heroin needles stuck into hill tops. Unfortunately, Biggie Pilp hasn't gotten to giffing up the other neighborhoods of our fine city, but if we're lucky, he'll tackle the Haight, skip all the other neighborhoods, and go straight to showing us what he thinks of Los Angeles.
Comments (1)
Cranky Old Mission Guy | [Permalink]
I’ve lived in The Mission a long time, and I’ve been going to The Tenderloin a long time for various reasons, and I have started to feel like I have got it all backwards all along – I should have been living in the Loin and visiting the Mish. They are both shitholes, but The Tenderloin is more honest and less tense about it.