Paul Notzold Brings San Francisco Poetry to Life

If you walked past the lovely intersection of Seventh and Market last night, you might have stumbled across opening night of Paul Notzold's video poetry installation, “Storylines.”  The videos feature observational poetry written by students of the San Francisco Writers Corp. overlaid onto short clips magnifying the highlights of various locations in the city, especially in the mid-Market area.

An interview posted on the Arts Commission's blog gives insight as to the origins of the installation's title:

It’s a play on the term songlines—the native Australian practice of mapping paths by creating songs about observing natural landmarks so you can remember them and pass them down to direct others. In this piece, the writer’s content is about observing the paths that a person’s life may take.

The videos are 60ft tall and will be shown for 6 months, so I doubt you'll have a difficult time finding it.  But if you do have trouble, just follow the mumbling man down Market.  In the meantime, here's some video:


(photo by the SF Arts Commission)

Comments (1)

holy shit. this guy went to my high school in rando, PA. crazy. like his work:)