An Opportunity Presents Itself

The folks behind Tate & Modern, who have been bombing the city in various ways this fall, recently went on a stickering spree along Valencia and 24th streets.  Like most of their past work, they are again poking fun at both the very medium that they are utilizing and the plight of building owners.  But wait, a challenge has been made!  The owner of this particular building on 24th at SVN has offered up their building for a mural.  This is fantastic offer because it not only would allow Tate & Modern to start parodying the homogeneity of Mission murals, but the building owner is also implying REAL artists paint.  Zing!

Comments (4)

woow. that’s so….meta.

yeah i like this. GET FUCKED UP.

Homogeneity is the word you’re looking for, sir.

And no, I don’t have anything better to do with my time.
Not until I catch a comma splice, anyway. :o

Ah yes, good catch. This is what happens when one doesn’t proofread properly