Notes From The Gauntlet

SFMOMA's blog, Open Space, is letting us know what you'd collect if you lived on Capp St. for 17 years:

The Gauntlet” is what my partner, Cliff Hengst and I have long dubbed the block of Capp St. between our apartment and our art studios in the Mission. On any given day you can find— through the obstacle course of trash, rotting food, feces, needles, and other junk— random personal ephemera: scrawled notes, posted messages, discarded family photographs, and abandoned letters. I even once found a box of bizarre Chinese “gentlemen” magazines from the early eighties (Score!).

The whole thing reads like a bizarre version of PostSecret set on a block with warehouses, homelessness, prostitution, motorcycles, crack, and The Uptown.  Check it.

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