What Not to Wear to Dolores Park

Here In San Francisco, a fantastic blog about being lesbian and making dog food and other such tomfoolery, spotted this unfortunate scene during the last crushing heatwave.  Considering tomorrow is going to be on the warmer side, I'd like to present this national tragedy as a kind reminder of what not to wear on your Tecate and Rhea's lunchbreak.

In other news, Here In SF recently got invited to a lunch with group of rowdy retired Irish and Italian boxers and baseball players in the Excelsior.  Needless to say, it sounds like a fantastic place to squander a Friday afternoon while shooting the shit with people who spend the better part of their life getting punch in the head.

Comments (6)

link fail…

Whoops. Fixed it up.


“…in THE Excelsior”


I like the pooping dog in the background, too. Could we have a blog just of background dog-pooping shots?