"a big fuck you to anyone that paints a wall white in a city"

REBEL8's Joshy D had this to say about Horrace Mann Middle School:

And I end today’s blog with a big fuck you to anyone that paints a wall white in a city. If you don’t keep it clean white, paint it taupe or something. It just looks immediately dirty if it is not taken care of.

Maybe he's got a point.  This building isn't much to look at, and the mural they put up this Spring didn't really do much to help the situation.  Just a bunch of white base, with big blotches of off-white covering up graffiti and dirt stains towards the ground.  If we're lucky, the sweat smell of free dog shit and piss emanate from the dead grass surrounding it.  But it's this what the majority of the walls in the city look like, regardless of their color?  Is the only solution to recruit Precita Eyes to do another mural that vaguely resembles all their other murals?

Comments (1)

I was a teacher at Horace Mann when it was re-painted in the late 90’s. The parents and teachers had ideas and recommendations to the school district Buildings and Grounds dept about what colors we would like the building painted. When our principal met with Buildings and Grounds to present our requests, the response he received was, I quote, “School site staffs and administrations come and go, but the building will be there forever.” Needless to say, the central office painted it as they wished. Sorry for the beige…we tried.