Best Coast Headlining Aquarius Records’ 40th Birthday Show

The Bay Bridged, among a mess of other places, are reporting that Best Coast has been announced as the secret headlining act for Aquarius' 40th party.  Ten Bucks (plus some stupid credit card fees)!  See everyone there.

For the unfamiliar:

Comments (5)

That song is fucking atrocious and the lyrics almost unbelievably dull. Do they ever actually try?

The entire album sounds like one long song of her complaining about some boy/her boyfriend, being high and referencing her cat. I find it oddly comforting when played in the right context.

I may have to go just to see the Lumerians. Their shows are like smoking a bag of random drugs you found on Haight St, but without being hassled by aggressive spangers.

Thanks for the second hand scoop. I would go to this, but I already have tickets to see them at the GAMH. I would also be hounded with faux-record-store-shopper poser guilt at their anniversary party – I bought Best Coast’s album on emusic (instead of around the corner at Aq) and I only go to Ameoba to buy t-shirts.

Best Coast is HORRIBLE!!

Her popularity is a great example of the steep decline of the “indie music” scene.

Still going to the show, but now I know I can leave early.