Biking through the Panhandle is so much more fun at breakneck speeds with an endless opportunity for collateral damage

Jason Clary in the Panhandle from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

This video represents everything wrong with the Panhandle: because the path is littered with pedestrians, kids and pets, we, as cyclists, should be on our best behavior.   However, when you're coming from Golden Gate Park, the lights are timed in such a poor way, the only way you can hit a green at Masonic is to crank through the panhandle at 27/28 MPH.  Yeah, I guess I could slow it down so I don't takeout a dog running after a stray ball, but I've been blasting a ridiculous playlist of celtic punk and Public Enemy for the past three hours and have a raging hard-on for running through yellows.  Anyway, what I'm trying to get at here is adjust the timing of the lights because, well, fuck cars.

In slightly related news, MACAFRAMA dropped a fine video featuring their latest member, Matt Montoya.

Comments (8)

This guy is a douchebag. Classic. He’s the guy who ruins it for everybody, and he’s probably super smugly proud of it, too.

When I’m back home visiting my 12 year old nephews, I will be sure to show them this. Its the kind of thing that 12 year olds find interesting.

This city needs more self-obsessed, arrogant pieces of shit to combat all of the self-obsessed, arrogant pieces of shit. Yeah, one red light in the entire pan handle drives me to the point of no return. Kinda hard for the world to revolve around every fucking person on the planet at this point (i.e. lots of people out there).

No, this video represents everything wrong with the ridiculously vain cycle chic/fixter bullshit.

I would’ve preferred to see video of Jason losing his teeth in a bar fight

I wish I could go that fast.

Go Thomas! Tark harder!

Yeah Frong!