Eat Real Festival: Camera Phone Coverage Edition

4505 Chicharrones were in full effect.

There was some 'Oakland's Next Top Butcher' action going down.  It looked pretty rad but I was already too full to stick around and see who won.

The very best food came from the very un-branded “Farmstands”. Each of these tents showcased a different local urban farm paired with a local chef.  The rabbit and duck confit were excellent.  Side note: In recent months I've come to the conclusion that there is very a notable 'babe factor' in the East Bay urban farming movement.

AKA: The Snooki Special.

Pork was probably the most over represented meat this weekend.  Where my bovines at?

There were plenty of people yammering about sustainability/etc. and doing demonstrations.  This chicken is about to demonstrate why you should never volunteer to work the Sunday shift at the festival.

Uh, srsly yall?

SHOCKER ALERT: There was no line at the Chipotle tent.

PRO TIP: When fighting through festival sized crowds, use resealable containers to protect you $6 beer investment.

FAKE CELEBRITY SIGHTING OF THE WEEKEND: James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem; not a vegetarian.

Comments (1)

“Pork” and “over represented’ should not be in the same sentence.