Bear Fight

It's as douchey and disgusting as it looks.  And yes, it's daytime.

Admittedly, I've lost touch with New England culture over the past 3 years.  In general, I don't mind.  Bikes are more fun than public transportation.  Jorts are better than khakis.  Dolores Park beats Boston Common any day.  But whenever I get introduced to one of the latest Massachusetts memes, I'm always game to experiment.

Well, my buddy Jeff spent the summer out of the Mission and in the northeast working as a rafting guide.  Apparently, all the kids are getting into bear fights: an Irish Carbomb immediately followed by a Jagerbomb.  In spite of Jager's ironic comeback tour, this one made me a tad skeptical.  But after a hour and a half of what could be described as some of the most world-class peer pressuring I've ever witnessed, it was decided that a round would be ordered.  Much like a real bear fight, everyone not involved fled. The result?

Comments (3)

Way to finally use your new camera!

I prefer Sake Bombs into Fernet
