A Rally In Support of Johannes Mehserle

Are you fucking shitting me?  A group of suburban trophy wives and red in the face dudes are getting all hot and bothered about the “injustices” being experienced by the man who murdered involuntarily killed Oscar Grant.  We should protest this protest!

Snap, they're already one step ahead of all us liberal racists wanting step on the rights of white people speaking out against the discrimination they face every day.

Anyway, our East Bay correspondent Kristen Haney will try to swing by the scene Monday afternoon.  Also, check out SF Citizen for more analysis.

Comments (6)

How about we have a rally to honor responsible cops who don’t shoot and kill innocent people?

you are such a knee jerk liberal. everyone, even people you disagree with (fortunately), have the right to protest. let the market place of ideas be the final arbitrator of value and substance, not some blogger or randoms on facebook. for an east coast jew, you sure are stupid. youe clan is shamed.

I never said I don’t respect ther right tO free speech or assembly, I just think they’re idiots.

Also, what makes you think I’m Jewish and why does my supposed enthicity matter?

wait, i solely use blogs to tell me what’s of value and substance….is that wrong?

and technically, a blog is a marketplace of ideas, except I don’t even have to pay for the stupid ones. and i sure do love a good shaming when typos are involved.

oh and kevin, stop being so jewish.

The Merserle supporters don’t know the difference between their and they’re and your and you’re.

@MrEricSir- You gotta great idea.

Coincidentally, I’ve decided to hold a candle light vigil on Monday for the poor bastards who actually live in Walnut Creek.
Talk about cruel and unusual.
Seriously, the Walnut Creek Police better be on their toes or that Pro-Mehserle crowd might smash and loot the yarn store.