Just Your Average Thursday in Dolores Park

I was hanging out all by my lonesome in dolo yesterday afternoon, so I figured I'd amuse myself by taking photos of people with an unfortunate sense of style.  After photographing myself for half an hour, I spotted this bro with an arrow shaved into the side of his head.  I pondered posting this with the subject line “Is this the 'I'm with stupid' haircut?,” figuring that our beloved commenters would fill me in on how they can write this blog better themselves.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, some circus act was rolling by in the background.

Happy goddamn weekend everyone.

Comments (4)

Nice car.

This is amazing.

Sounds like needed to get a life so that way you won’t be taking random pictures of strangers! Bad styles? Please! This guys is cute and it seems like you just might have a classic case of the peeping-tom syndrome and too much time on your hand. LMAO!

he’s got a basket too.:)