Cool Kid Causes: Alcoholics for Music Education

Every child deserves a crack at the cliche “one time at band camp” line.  But for those of us who went to public schools, we know all to well that music and arts programs are always the first to get cut when the district's budget runs dry.  

But there's one thing that never seems to run dry around here: ALCOHOL.  The good folks at Education Through Music - Bay Area, knowing that San Francisco's most renewable resource may very well be its insatiable appetite for booze, have assembled a crack team of ETM Young Associates (we're talking 21+ volunteers, not Elementary School Kids as hilarious as that would be) to guest bartend at Elixir tonight.

From 9pm to 2am tonight, you can harass some people I know while they feebly try to apply white-collar job skills to bartending (with the best intentions).  Be sure to give the asian one extra shit (and tips) because she thinks she's too cool for SF and plans to move later this week.  Feel free to tell her that I sent you.

Facebook event thingy is here.