Barking Dog Gets Owner's Ass Beat in Alamo Square

 Reader “mailorders” snapped this epic pic and shares this story:

This started out as a heated confrontation when the dog ran at the guy in the t-shirt, threateningly barking.  This dog has a history of being noisy and somewhat unruly; I don't think that he's dangerous, but if somebody doesn't know dogs, they're bound to think that the dog is about to attack. His guardian, the guy with the buzz cut got mouthy and even as the guy in the t-shirt was walking away, the dog continued to follow him, barking all the time. I guess it escalated from there.

There you go people.  Don't own a dog.  Thanks mailorders!

Comments (18)

I own a dog, and I love it. The lesson should be, “This is why assholes shouldn’t own dogs.”

i own a dog that barks at other dogs and we make daily trips to alamo square. good thing i’m not an asshole.

And then barking dog begins to attack and mount asshole owner!

Violence is never right! How can someone just stand by and watch and do nothing but take pictures? Hmmm…

Wow! Did you get an erection each time you take a picture hiding in the bushes like that? What is up with you men and your glorification of violence whenever you see it? That’s probably why we still have wars and hatred and we are living in freaking 2010! Love….Peace….we gotta have it, now! Not next week…not next year. Now! If you can’t promote it, don’t make it even harder for others to do it!

Actually, not only was this photographer NOT “hiding in the bushes”, but people had tried to get these two guys to not get beyond the words and posturing, but even afterwards, people intervened.
If there’s a lesson here it’s that the dog’s guardian should have had the sense to bring his dog under control and avoid hurling expletives at the guy who felt threatened by an unruly snarling dog.
The fight was preventable, but they both said: Bring it., and this was the result.

That’s interesting because at the time I was just walking by at the lower sidewalk in the park close to Fulton and did not see anyone near those two guys.

shut up bitch. you gonna get smacked and be leakin’.

I approve of this post

you get in a fight, and your dog bites you….epic fail

Hey misty. You are a pathetic liar and a worthless passive agressive. I was there. I stopped them from fighting. I made them go their seperate ways. The stupid Asian guy, deserved to get his ass beat. He called an already angry passerby fat and he got punched. Keep avoiding the real confrontations in your life misty, keep hiding behind your key board and screen, convincing yourself that your trite, self involved opinion matters. Peace.

Amen! Testify!

the guy doing the punching looks like a class-a mega dooshbag though.

which is what a person has to be for hitting anyone, pretty much.

While he may look like a “dooshbag”, he was walking out of the park and minding his own business when the other guy’s snarling, barking dog came at him. Then dog’s daddy instead of controlling his dog and ending it there, got all mouthy at the “dooshbag”.

Funny, Misty, that you were walking by and yet YOU didn’t do anything to stop it… Hmm, careful what you preach there, Ms. Peace&Love. It’s easy to say what you “would” do when you don’t actually have to do it, hypocrite.


Dogs owners need to ming their mutts or get dealt with.

All ‘noisy’ dogs should wear bark collars.

People who keep dogs are critically follado en la cabeza. Man’s best friend my ass. Most dogs are noisy and they shit all over the place. I’ve got nothing against dogs per se, it’s these f*ck-heads locking and leashing them up all the time. 90% of them are criminally stupid and they’re the ones who need to be locked/leashed up. It’s one thing if someone’s got a decent sized ranch and the dog(s) have the means to roam around - it’s another thing when living in urban and/or suburban areas where dogs are practically imprisoned in backyards, kennels, etc. Let the dogs go, assholes. They can take better care of themselves better than you ever could.