One hundred eighty one goddamn dollars!  The Bay Citizen is now fiscally sound thanks to our generous readers and the willingness of Shotwell's to allow us to make a mockery out of the art of pouring beer.  Anyways, some reader at the bar refused to tip because, and I quote, “there is no way that money is actually going to the Bay Citizen.  I know you're just going to pocket it and blow it away.”  HAR HAR HAR GOOD ONE SINBAD.  So, there you have it, check in the mail.  Best of all, I'm pretty sure we can write this money off as a charitable donation, which is awesome because this blog loses so much goddamn money every month I'm sure a charitable donation is going to matter.

Why am I taking photographs and not bartending right now?

Anyways, I'd say the highlight of the night was watching a narc busting prostitutes outside the bar.  I snapped some pics because exposing narcs is one of my pastimes, but the guy seemed relatively nice so you don't get to see his face.  Sorryboutit:

Comments (1)

Nice, that’s enough to fund almost seven and a quarter articles!