Homeless or Hipster?

I sat across from this man on BART on my way home this evening.

He had on tight pants with a few well-placed paint splats, a Native American-inspired knit sweater and a pair of Nikes, mini keg in tow, all of which would suggest hipster. But he was also a bit smelly, nearly toothless and singing to himself, which leads me to conclude homeless. My favorite part of this whole situation, though, is the sign he’s sitting under, imploring me to befriend him. I must admit I was tempted to introduce myself to this gentleman. I mean, come on, who wouldn’t want this guy on their team?

Comments (8)

“You used to be able to tell the difference between hipsters and homeless people. Now, it’s between hipsters and retards. I mean, either that guy in the corner in orange safety pants holding a protest sign and wearing a top hat is mentally disabled or he is the coolest fucking guy you will ever know.” – Chuck Klosterman

No question about it, I would love to have this gentleman on my team. No question.

Who cares? He’s got a mini-keg, go say hi.

If that mini keg is a Heineken!? Why not? It’s probably better than what your drinking right now!
Hard Tymes ~~ On Gmail

He also had a twisted piece of wire hanging from his belt loops on a purple string. Wonder what that was about?

You don’t want to know Jane.

too easy

homeless person that has killed, eaten and skinned a hipster

Yeah, good reason to have him on your team.

Anonymous Coward said on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 2:52pm (link)

too easy

homeless person that has killed, eaten and skinned a hipster