Hero Brings Patriotism to the Masses

This was one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed. Dude above was screaming about how much he loves America in the middle of the intersection at Grove and Van Ness. The Range Rover creeped into the intersection expecting crazy guy to get out of the way, but nope. Instead, he climbs onto the Range Rover’s hood and continues screaming about how much he loves America. A deputy sheriff shows up and asks the man to get off the hood. The man decides, no, I am going to climb onto the motherfucking roof and tell the world how much I love America. High-five, sir! Also, big props on the Giants jacket.

I didn’t get to see what the exciting conclusion was, because I was in a rush, but as I was leaving about fifteen cop cars showed up.  Sorry for the crappy photos, but I spilled water on my good camera, which is currently sitting in a box of rice in hopes it revives like the jesus.