Cool Kid Marketing: Beer and Bike Racks

This Belizean beer company sure knows how to market themselves.  The badboys at Belikin welded their logo to bike racks and put them around town.  Gold.  I feel like beer companies in the Yay should start doing this: SF loves bikes, bikes and booze go together like William Shatner and dead baby jokes, and our broke-ass city need more bike racks and as long as a cool brand that the city already identifies with / could identify with if the company’s marketing team told us to identify with them is footing the bill, we could have hella bike racks sporting rad aluminum logos too.  Whose snatch do I have to give lackluster head to at city hall to get a bunch of Uptown Almanac bike racks outside The Uptown?

Comments (4)

you also have to be careful with ad rules about public alcohol ads near schools. we have way too much regulation for that

Prop. E was stupid. It was put on the ballot by a coalition of hippies and doily sniffing High Society ladies because, well, they all suck.

I’d love to see an uptown almanac bike rack. right next to the N Judah bus shelter with slotmachines and Japanese beer vending machines.

You can email to request a free bike rack in front of any business in the city.