Unqualified SF Weekly Blogger: "blah blah blah nu media dddeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr"

I went to this ridiculous panel discussion at the pretentiously-named Commonwealth Club the other night called “If Not the Chronicle, Then What?”  The panel was billed as a smart conversation about how new media (which is just a fucking stupid-ass name for BLOGS because the print world feels like they have to reclaim every goddamn thing for themselves so we cannot even have a fucking name anymore) doesn’t do beat reporting but everyone still needs to have news + political coverage so who will do it if the Chronicle dies off?  Of course, the panel was kinda odd: Brock of SFist + the white whale of The Bold Italic were the solid choices, then there was Jeff of Muni Diaries, which isn’t a news site at all but a place were SF’s racists gather to share stories about how much brown people scare them, and some bro who works at Twitter.  I don’t know why the fuck people think 140 characters can be journalism.  Twitter is a place where we misspell things, talk about how drunk we were last night, fail at being funny, and, you know, share links to real journalism/cat pictures.  NEXT.

So, I should have known that this panel was going to spawn a post at the SF Weekly that would make me want to bring a sharp razor, the Donnie Darko soundtrack, and the toaster into the bathtub, but I was completely unprepared for S.F. New Media Admits It Can’t Quit Chronicle.  First off, San Francisco’s “New Media” didn’t admit shit, 3 people on a stage did.  They can go on reading that unreadable shit all they want but I don’t know of any other bloggers that do.  Here’s the thing, I understand technology scares you.  People won’t read your rag anymore so you’ll have to go back to being a greeter at Wal-Mart.  We’re going to have an entire generation of young lads that think finger fucking a girl is an iPhone gesture.  This is a terrible future ahead of us.  I understand you’re not ready to accept it.

Of course, instead of making some inane statement, why didn’t the Weekly just point out how fundamentally flawed the entire conversation was?  Some white bitch during the Q+A section said “I haven’t heard you guys talk about the Chronicle too much” and then everyone starting talking about how important beat reporting is.  I really wish I was on that panel.  “If not the Chronicle, then what?”  I would have stood up and said “Read the fucking Appeal you fucktards” and then exposed myself to the entire audience.  Shit would have been real.  These idiots all seem to think that if Hearst dies off, THERE WILL NEVER BE A NEWS ARTICLE EVER AGAIN.  That’s bullshit.  Have you ever even read the Appeal?  Eve is a fucking monster.  If she was a mother, she’d be the type of mother that would turn out 15 kids in 4 years and you’d be left saying “how the fuck did you do that?”  Luckily for humanity, Eve just writes about eight dozen stories a day that you get to read for free.  Fancy. fucking. that.

I’d like to propose a panel.  Eve, myself, Laura Beck, Brock and a hampster will all shotgun about 5 cans of Colt 45, sit at an elevated table so we’re talking down to the audience, and give a panel titled “If Not ‘New Media,’ Then Who Will The Chronicle Steal Their Leads From?”

Comments (21)

hey if you invite me I’ll bring St. Ides….

But I need to read the Chronicle because SF Appeal doesn’t have carpetbagging suburbanites making a mockery of local issues and press releases from Gavin Newsom’s office reported verbatim as fact.

HA! This might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.

And that is the kind of panel I would love to be on. Let’s get on that shit.

“Eve, myself, Laura Beck, Brock and a hampster will all shotgun about 5 cans of Colt 45, sit at an elevated table so we’re talking down to the audience, and give a panel titled ‘If Not ‘New Media,’ Then Who Will The Chronicle Steal Their Leads From?’”

I would like to be on this panel RIGHT NOW.

There’s no stupid like Chronicle commenter stupid. They somehow manage to be both moonbrain hippie stoners that hate HSR and immigrants.

Unlike the rest of SF blog commenters who are merely stoners that hate hippies.

Muni Diaries and Twitter being there are both kind of ridic in relation to the topic. Not hard to find legit nu media sources like SF Appeal or Mission Local or Streetsblog. It’s like “Can the Chronicle / Hearst Media learn something new from Broke Ass Stuart?” Of course they can, they both BROKE.

Coat tailing Appeal and sfist to a lesser extent doesn’t make you relevant. What have you done to deserve to be on a panel with those enumerated above? Bitch please.

I invented the microwave!

that’s my line! dang, kevin!

Also, when did Weekly take the time to do anything other than publicly slapfight SFBG? Or is it the other way around? Wait, who cares? I can just go to Amoeba’s website to get eveerything I get out of those papers.

(Seriously, I really don’t mean to hate on them, but NO ONE CARES ABOUT ADVERTISING RATES. And bring back Dog Bites.)

I’m with you on Dog Bites.

but where will I be able to read Ken Garcia?

I feel your frustrations. SF has always had weird sides to its news institutions. The Chronicle, Channel 9 (don’t get me started on Channel 9) and NBC11 (now appropriately in San Jose, where they can eat at PF Chang’s after knocking out a story that’s just about as authentic). But you guys may not remember the good old days at the Examiner, when it was actually a great newspaper. And channel 4 (when it was NBC) and Channel 5, still, despite letting go of most of their hard news staffs.

But hyper-local and all that is not the same as professional journalism covering hard news stories. It just isn’t, at least not yet.

@ Kevin

“I’d like to propose a panel. Eve, myself, Laura Beck, Brock and a hampster will all shotgun about 5 cans of Colt 45, sit at an elevated table so we’re talking down to the audience, and give a panel titled “If Not ‘New Media,’ Then Who Will The Chronicle Steal Their Leads From?”

Not that I disagree with your post but I’m just wondering, other than the Dolores Park closure story, has The Chronicle ever stolen a lead from this blog? Have there been stories reported by other Bay Area blogs that have run in The Chronicle unattributed to the source? I only read a few blogs regularly, but read The Chronicle daily, and get the sense you feel it’s occurring frequently.

are you fucking kidding me?

the fucking Chronicle routinely steals from local blogs. They stole from me, Fog City Journal, SF Appeal and shit-tons more. They have cut their staff so much they can’t do real reporting anymore - they just steal.

Seriously - this isn’t just some goddamned snark - those assholes routinely steal and never give credit. Fuck, I have on my Google reader like eleventy billion times I read something online and only after they read it does the Chron bother to report “news.”

They can seriously go fuck themselves. the sheer amount of lying and that God-awful bullshit known as “gate commenters” needs to be mercy killed so that Real Big Jay Journalism can evolve (and no , using the Berkeley J-school as a for free sweatshop doesn’t count).

I have this theory that somewhere (probably Florida) there’s a mental health facility where some joker broke in and set the homepage of every computer to SFGate.com, and showed the patients how to create accounts and post comments.