Totally Not Cool at All Bro Award of the Weekend

Things dude on the right did in the minute and a half I had the misfortune of walking near him after his totally killer day at DoPa bro-brah: First, he runs up to a guy riding on a bike and screams in his ear in hopes of scaring him, trying to make the guy fall off his bike. Next, he starts yelling at some girl, “Christeeeeeena! Chirsteeeeeeeena Applegate! Why ‘on’t you come home with me???” And finally, he walks up to the window of Dolores Park Cafe, bangs on it with his fists and screams at the girl sitting inside the cafe. Pictured above is him explaining how awesome he is to his bro.

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Reason #27 why I have a collection of bludgeoning/”move along” objects at my front door….