Local CBS Blogger on Local CBS Station!

Mike Sugerman at CBS 5 is at it again! That lovable newsy is always on the trail of a hot lead (forget facts! what’s that!? who’s he!? Also, did he just say CYBERSPACE!? What is this?? The Net? A: I WISH!), and this time, he’s trying to figure out Foursquare. About a year too late to break any real FourSquare story, this video piece nevertheless features the delightful and adorable Brittney Gilbert of CBS Eye on Blogs (the tables are turned, Gilbert! The eyes are on you now!!) meeting Mayor Patrick Bateman Gavin Newsom. Thrilling.

Also, is Wendy Tokuda drunk? Or super high? Or is that just my fantasy speaking?

Because CBS5 is old media, they won’t let you embed video so you have to click a stupid link.

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