I haven’t eaten here but I was fucking shocked to see the grand opening banner announcing the arrival of a Yemenis restaurant at the culinary mecca that is Post and Larkin. Ever since I first noticed this building in 2003 this place has been empty with some shitty ass microsoft word flyers taped to the window that proclaiming “Jenny’s International Cuisine Coming SOON!” in all the arched glory that the janky impact font could muster up. I’m kind of disappointed that Jenny’s amazing international cuisine never got to make it’s mark on the culinary scene of San Francisco but this place might be good. Yelp hasn’t hit it, they’ve probably been to busy stuffing their dumb fucking faces with Carne Asada fries at Olivos, apparently worthless fucking SoCal bastadized white people taqueria garbage plates are the holy grail of mexican food on yelp (their pupusas are no joke tho, I fuck with them hard and they are super nice).