"Bud Light making commercials written by people who eat crayons"

Uptown Alamanc is all about ‘original content,’ but I was too busy watching the water-dish-cam and listening to Shake Your Rump to watch Super Bowl commercials and Drew Hoolhorst actually works in the advertising industry:

I don’t know who writes these. The funny thing is that they are probably very talented people. But I think they get to the Bud Light client, and realize that they could just suggest to them a guy farting and this would presumably be something that Bud Light would be interested in spending 3 million dollars on.

Client: We’re trying to sell bud light, a poor tasting beer, to the people who already drink it. Any thoughts?

Agency: How about a guy farting. Or like, a guy who calls his friends, but sounds like a rap song that was popular in 2008.

Client: …GO ON…

So out of all the things they could spend some cash on, Bud Light went with: guys talking to each other in T-Pain sounds, a guy who made a house out of bud light cans, people who watch meteors thinking they’re gonna die so they want to party (novel), and how funny it’d be if you drank at a book club but then came up with zero jokes about this and just had a bunch of douchey guys drinking bud light.

Was the creative brainstorm held at Jimmy’s totally rad 15th birthday party?